Gary D. Laws

Thursday, July 25, 2013

"Re-Creating Church with Feats of Strength" by Gary Laws


"Re-Creating Church with Feats of Strength" by Gary Laws

I attended church services this past week with my son and his family. My wife and I are visiting them in Enid, Oklahoma.

The music was loud, even raucous at times. You could hardly hear yourself think. However, as I looked around I noticed how engaged everyone was in the service of worship and it's music....not in some sort of 'pied piper', reckless way, but all seemed to be enjoying what they considered to be their sincere form of worship.

The guest preacher was an 'athlete' who breaks bricks and bends iron re-bar rods then bends sturdy fry pans into unrecognizable shapes. He is a Christian with a passion to reach the youth for Jesus.

While none of this is my particular 'cup of tea', I must admit that God was in that place. It's congregants were honoring the God who had saved them. There was, in my view, the unmistakable presence of God's Holy Spirit.

More power to them.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Reality of Jesus Christ

Thinking of the old TV classics. Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, I Remember Mama....etc. There are those in society today who would have us believe that such families never really existed in real life. We know better though, don't we? I grew up in a 'Father Knows Best' type family. It was wonderful. So have millions of others also.
Such families were very real. They are real today!

There are also those who would have us believe that Jesus Christ is only a myth and that He never really existed. They tell us that such things as abstinence or respect for life never really worked and they were part of a mythological lifestyle that did not exist. They would say that living a righteous lifestyle is all poppycock.

Well, these folks are wrong about family life in days gone by and they are wrong about how they characterize our religious faith. The Bible teaches us to hold on to those things that are true. As for the world and their cynical view? They shall have their reward. GDL