Gary D. Laws

Friday, June 14, 2013


Christians and Divorce

During devotions this morning, my thoughts turned to those Christians who are considering divorce. What a great tragedy divorce is, both for those involved and for society as a whole. It is a tragedy for the Church as well.

Filing for divorce is somewhat akin to filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, at least in the minds of some. When paying off debt seems impossible, bankruptcy offers a chance to start fresh and clear the ledger, as many would say. Of course, it is also a way to avoid personal responsibility for the commitments one has made.

I do think that divorce, in some few cases, may be unavoidable. But in many cases it is a tool for those who simply do not want to go through the hard times and see the storm through. Challenges come and they just want to run away, start fresh, and clear the ledger.

Good people...Christian people, face hard decisions in all areas of life, including the marriage relationship. Even when both parties are people of faith, problems will visit us and challenge our ability to weather the storm.

For those of us on the outside, looking in...we should offer our love and support to those who are hurting and having difficulty getting through it all. We should ask God daily to bring to bear His wisdom, power, healing balm.

Like Bankruptcy, divorce leaves it's scars and is rarely the 'new start' many believe it is.

Would it not be much better to honor our commitments, pay the bills, and enjoy life as God has intended it to be? GDL

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