A Monthly Newsletter from Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Although Gary Laws is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army. All views expressed are those of the author.

Gary D. Laws
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Love, Patience, and Perseverance
Many stroke survivors suffer damage to the brain which, often, brings with it a change of behavior and personality. While such changes are difficult for family members to understand.....never give up on them! Tough it out with them, let them know they are loved, be patient and walk with them through this new experience and God will do wonders!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Expanding Your Ministry in Retirement
OK, so you are supposed to lay back, relax and do whatever comes to mind when you retire! Nothing wrong with that! However, for many retired ministers it is hard to sit back and no longer engage in some form of ministry and outreach.
Actually, retirement is a great time to expand your ministry to include activities or missions that, up until now, you have not been able to involve yourself in.
Perhaps this is a good time to 'hit the road' and do some traveling while, at the same time, preaching along the way. Making yourself available to your denomination and other traditions to fill a pulpit, conduct a workshop series, become a hospital Chaplain, or even a missionary is a wonderful way to continue you work in meaningful ways and to do it at your own pace.
If you live in a retirement community, ask management if there could be a role for you to play ministering to area residents. It may be useful for you to help in the local church as a Minister of Visitation, music ministry or youth ministry.
Well, perhaps you have thought of all of these things already. This list is certainly not exhaustive. You will have ideas of your own. Whatever they may be, there is still much for you to do.
Take time for yourself, your family, children and grandchildren, for sure! Whatever you do, don't miss the many opportunities that God will still send your way. You will be blessed!
Monday, August 19, 2013
How I Love to Write! by Gary Laws
How I love to write! I don't write well (Book of Style, etc.), but I like to sit and share those issues and experiences I feel moved to share. Often, what I write finds it's way into the pulpit, where I am most comfortable.
Most of my days are given to my first priority, Susan. She has done remarkably well this past year and is becoming more self sufficient every day but she still has a way to go. Her improvement has given me a little more time.
This year we took our first road trip in 5 years. 3200 miles before returning home. All along the way finding more things to write about.
I like taking pictures, too. Cathy and Doug allowed us to use their camera for our travels. Another way to tell a story.
Mostly, I hope that all this is helpful or of interest to others. I know that it is most helpful to me! It helps me stay in touch with all of our friends, throughout the country. It fills something of a post ministry void, I suppose.
I'll keep writing, and if I stumble across a Book of Style, I'll try using it. Blessings!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Just had a nice talk with a man who is in his 70's. He is retired. Billy talks to himself a lot. Not too many people pay attention to him. His nickname is 'Boxcar', Boxcar Billy! He is a retired Hobo. By all accounts he was never a derelict, but in the strictest sense a real Hobo, all of his adult life. There is a difference, you know! Hobos are vagabonds. They travel the countryside most of their lives, working their way along as they go.
Billy has many stories to tell of his years riding the trains, unticketed of course. Hence his nickname. He traveled the boxcars from one end of the country to the other, many times over.
He has few friends, never any visitors to his new apartment environs. He gets by on his Social Security, as he did work most of his years going from town to town.
Society is, of course, quick to criticize the life he has led. Most good folks would avoid him although he is always well groomed in his everyday blue jeans and dress t-shirts.
He is a nice man, or so it seems on the surface. Always friendly and willing to engage in conversation with others or, if need be, himself. Mostly himself I would guess.
Talking with Billy tonight it occurred to me that God loves this slight in stature, elderly man, just as much as He loves any others of His creation. When Jesus hung on the Cross He hung there for you and for me............... and for Boxcar Billy too!
Will you pray that God gives me the opportunity to let Billy know of that great love?
Billy has many stories to tell of his years riding the trains, unticketed of course. Hence his nickname. He traveled the boxcars from one end of the country to the other, many times over.
He has few friends, never any visitors to his new apartment environs. He gets by on his Social Security, as he did work most of his years going from town to town.
Society is, of course, quick to criticize the life he has led. Most good folks would avoid him although he is always well groomed in his everyday blue jeans and dress t-shirts.
He is a nice man, or so it seems on the surface. Always friendly and willing to engage in conversation with others or, if need be, himself. Mostly himself I would guess.
Talking with Billy tonight it occurred to me that God loves this slight in stature, elderly man, just as much as He loves any others of His creation. When Jesus hung on the Cross He hung there for you and for me............... and for Boxcar Billy too!
Will you pray that God gives me the opportunity to let Billy know of that great love?
(picture used with permission)
Friday, August 16, 2013
Preaching in Missouri on 'The Jericho Principle'
What a wonderful time Susan and I had as we shared with friends and others at The Salvation Army in Carthage, Missouri.
My Sunday morning sermon was on 'The Jericho Principle' and we learned from scripture the importance of following God's plan for our lives.
My Sunday morning sermon was on 'The Jericho Principle' and we learned from scripture the importance of following God's plan for our lives.
Senior Worship In St. Paul, Minnesota
The Salvation Army in St. Paul (Maplewood), Minnesota asked that I speak to their group of senior citizens on the subject of 'The Reality of Heaven'. Many thanks to Majors Doug and Linda Yeck for the invitation.
How important it is that those growing close to eternity be reminded of a God who loves them and has prepared a place for them. We had a great time of fellowship following the worship service.
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