A Monthly Newsletter from Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Although Gary Laws is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army. All views expressed are those of the author.

Gary D. Laws
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Love, Patience, and Perseverance
Many stroke survivors suffer damage to the brain which, often, brings with it a change of behavior and personality. While such changes are difficult for family members to understand.....never give up on them! Tough it out with them, let them know they are loved, be patient and walk with them through this new experience and God will do wonders!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Expanding Your Ministry in Retirement
OK, so you are supposed to lay back, relax and do whatever comes to mind when you retire! Nothing wrong with that! However, for many retired ministers it is hard to sit back and no longer engage in some form of ministry and outreach.
Actually, retirement is a great time to expand your ministry to include activities or missions that, up until now, you have not been able to involve yourself in.
Perhaps this is a good time to 'hit the road' and do some traveling while, at the same time, preaching along the way. Making yourself available to your denomination and other traditions to fill a pulpit, conduct a workshop series, become a hospital Chaplain, or even a missionary is a wonderful way to continue you work in meaningful ways and to do it at your own pace.
If you live in a retirement community, ask management if there could be a role for you to play ministering to area residents. It may be useful for you to help in the local church as a Minister of Visitation, music ministry or youth ministry.
Well, perhaps you have thought of all of these things already. This list is certainly not exhaustive. You will have ideas of your own. Whatever they may be, there is still much for you to do.
Take time for yourself, your family, children and grandchildren, for sure! Whatever you do, don't miss the many opportunities that God will still send your way. You will be blessed!
Monday, August 19, 2013
How I Love to Write! by Gary Laws
How I love to write! I don't write well (Book of Style, etc.), but I like to sit and share those issues and experiences I feel moved to share. Often, what I write finds it's way into the pulpit, where I am most comfortable.
Most of my days are given to my first priority, Susan. She has done remarkably well this past year and is becoming more self sufficient every day but she still has a way to go. Her improvement has given me a little more time.
This year we took our first road trip in 5 years. 3200 miles before returning home. All along the way finding more things to write about.
I like taking pictures, too. Cathy and Doug allowed us to use their camera for our travels. Another way to tell a story.
Mostly, I hope that all this is helpful or of interest to others. I know that it is most helpful to me! It helps me stay in touch with all of our friends, throughout the country. It fills something of a post ministry void, I suppose.
I'll keep writing, and if I stumble across a Book of Style, I'll try using it. Blessings!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Just had a nice talk with a man who is in his 70's. He is retired. Billy talks to himself a lot. Not too many people pay attention to him. His nickname is 'Boxcar', Boxcar Billy! He is a retired Hobo. By all accounts he was never a derelict, but in the strictest sense a real Hobo, all of his adult life. There is a difference, you know! Hobos are vagabonds. They travel the countryside most of their lives, working their way along as they go.
Billy has many stories to tell of his years riding the trains, unticketed of course. Hence his nickname. He traveled the boxcars from one end of the country to the other, many times over.
He has few friends, never any visitors to his new apartment environs. He gets by on his Social Security, as he did work most of his years going from town to town.
Society is, of course, quick to criticize the life he has led. Most good folks would avoid him although he is always well groomed in his everyday blue jeans and dress t-shirts.
He is a nice man, or so it seems on the surface. Always friendly and willing to engage in conversation with others or, if need be, himself. Mostly himself I would guess.
Talking with Billy tonight it occurred to me that God loves this slight in stature, elderly man, just as much as He loves any others of His creation. When Jesus hung on the Cross He hung there for you and for me............... and for Boxcar Billy too!
Will you pray that God gives me the opportunity to let Billy know of that great love?
Billy has many stories to tell of his years riding the trains, unticketed of course. Hence his nickname. He traveled the boxcars from one end of the country to the other, many times over.
He has few friends, never any visitors to his new apartment environs. He gets by on his Social Security, as he did work most of his years going from town to town.
Society is, of course, quick to criticize the life he has led. Most good folks would avoid him although he is always well groomed in his everyday blue jeans and dress t-shirts.
He is a nice man, or so it seems on the surface. Always friendly and willing to engage in conversation with others or, if need be, himself. Mostly himself I would guess.
Talking with Billy tonight it occurred to me that God loves this slight in stature, elderly man, just as much as He loves any others of His creation. When Jesus hung on the Cross He hung there for you and for me............... and for Boxcar Billy too!
Will you pray that God gives me the opportunity to let Billy know of that great love?
(picture used with permission)
Friday, August 16, 2013
Preaching in Missouri on 'The Jericho Principle'
What a wonderful time Susan and I had as we shared with friends and others at The Salvation Army in Carthage, Missouri.
My Sunday morning sermon was on 'The Jericho Principle' and we learned from scripture the importance of following God's plan for our lives.
My Sunday morning sermon was on 'The Jericho Principle' and we learned from scripture the importance of following God's plan for our lives.
Senior Worship In St. Paul, Minnesota
The Salvation Army in St. Paul (Maplewood), Minnesota asked that I speak to their group of senior citizens on the subject of 'The Reality of Heaven'. Many thanks to Majors Doug and Linda Yeck for the invitation.
How important it is that those growing close to eternity be reminded of a God who loves them and has prepared a place for them. We had a great time of fellowship following the worship service.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
"Re-Creating Church with Feats of Strength" by Gary Laws
"Re-Creating Church with Feats of Strength" by Gary Laws
I attended church services this past week with my son and his family. My wife and I are visiting them in Enid, Oklahoma.
The music was loud, even raucous at times. You could hardly hear yourself think. However, as I looked around I noticed how engaged everyone was in the service of worship and it's music....not in some sort of 'pied piper', reckless way, but all seemed to be enjoying what they considered to be their sincere form of worship.
The guest preacher was an 'athlete' who breaks bricks and bends iron re-bar rods then bends sturdy fry pans into unrecognizable shapes. He is a Christian with a passion to reach the youth for Jesus.
While none of this is my particular 'cup of tea', I must admit that God was in that place. It's congregants were honoring the God who had saved them. There was, in my view, the unmistakable presence of God's Holy Spirit.
More power to them.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
The Reality of Jesus Christ
Thinking of the old TV classics. Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, I Remember Mama....etc. There are those in society today who would have us believe that such families never really existed in real life. We know better though, don't we? I grew up in a 'Father Knows Best' type family. It was wonderful. So have millions of others also.
Such families were very real. They are real today!
There are also those who would have us believe that Jesus Christ is only a myth and that He never really existed. They tell us that such things as abstinence or respect for life never really worked and they were part of a mythological lifestyle that did not exist. They would say that living a righteous lifestyle is all poppycock.
Well, these folks are wrong about family life in days gone by and they are wrong about how they characterize our religious faith. The Bible teaches us to hold on to those things that are true. As for the world and their cynical view? They shall have their reward. GDL
Friday, June 14, 2013
Christians and Divorce
During devotions this morning, my thoughts turned to those Christians who are considering divorce. What a great tragedy divorce is, both for those involved and for society as a whole. It is a tragedy for the Church as well.
Filing for divorce is somewhat akin to filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, at least in the minds of some. When paying off debt seems impossible, bankruptcy offers a chance to start fresh and clear the ledger, as many would say. Of course, it is also a way to avoid personal responsibility for the commitments one has made.
I do think that divorce, in some few cases, may be unavoidable. But in many cases it is a tool for those who simply do not want to go through the hard times and see the storm through. Challenges come and they just want to run away, start fresh, and clear the ledger.
Good people...Christian people, face hard decisions in all areas of life, including the marriage relationship. Even when both parties are people of faith, problems will visit us and challenge our ability to weather the storm.
For those of us on the outside, looking in...we should offer our love and support to those who are hurting and having difficulty getting through it all. We should ask God daily to bring to bear His wisdom, power, healing balm.
Like Bankruptcy, divorce leaves it's scars and is rarely the 'new start' many believe it is.
Would it not be much better to honor our commitments, pay the bills, and enjoy life as God has intended it to be? GDL
During devotions this morning, my thoughts turned to those Christians who are considering divorce. What a great tragedy divorce is, both for those involved and for society as a whole. It is a tragedy for the Church as well.
Filing for divorce is somewhat akin to filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, at least in the minds of some. When paying off debt seems impossible, bankruptcy offers a chance to start fresh and clear the ledger, as many would say. Of course, it is also a way to avoid personal responsibility for the commitments one has made.
I do think that divorce, in some few cases, may be unavoidable. But in many cases it is a tool for those who simply do not want to go through the hard times and see the storm through. Challenges come and they just want to run away, start fresh, and clear the ledger.
Good people...Christian people, face hard decisions in all areas of life, including the marriage relationship. Even when both parties are people of faith, problems will visit us and challenge our ability to weather the storm.
For those of us on the outside, looking in...we should offer our love and support to those who are hurting and having difficulty getting through it all. We should ask God daily to bring to bear His wisdom, power, healing balm.
Like Bankruptcy, divorce leaves it's scars and is rarely the 'new start' many believe it is.
Would it not be much better to honor our commitments, pay the bills, and enjoy life as God has intended it to be? GDL
Monday, April 8, 2013
Freedom for the Consummate Outsider
Some of the most unhappy people in the world are the ‘outsiders‘. There are millions of them. We meet them everyday. You may see yourself as one of them.
Being made to feel ‘inferior’ to others can bring great pain, even anguish and it is not so easy to break from the despair that can come with feeling that ‘you just don’t fit in….anywhere’.
Many discover their outsider status in their early years. You know who they are. They are the ones who never get picked as a cheerleader! They always get selected for 5th chair in the school band. You see them sitting alone during lunch hour or getting picked on while changing classes in the hallway.
In later years they may be the ones who are always making mistakes in the workplace or never seem to advance through the hierarchy. When they do achieve, it often goes unnoticed. Few times, if ever, are they invited to lunch with their coworkers or go out with the ‘boys’ or ‘girls’ after work.
In your advanced years you may feel isolated. Perhaps you have lost your spouse and you are living alone, rarely seeing or hearing from your children and grandchildren. This pain is made even worse when you have senior neighbors who seem to have a never ending flow of family visitors. Perhaps you hear often of the full lives your children are living , and this pleases you greatly, but you never really feel that you are included in their lives. Maybe ill health has visited you and you can no longer do what you used to do and you feel very much alone. You now feel that you are, very much, an outsider!
It’s awful, just awful! However, do not despair….read on!
For those living on the outside, I have great news! You can be free from the anxiety, hurt feelings and isolation you may experience! It IS possible for the socially disenfranchised to be liberated from the rejection of the so-called ’insiders’. But before I get to this wonderful discovery, let’s take a look at who I am talking about when I refer to those on the ’outside looking in’.
For many, varied reasons, people have been taught, through the process of socialization and familial upbringing, that it is important to be identified with certain types of individuals, groups or causes. The result is we spend a lifetime seeking to be accepted and approved of by these entities. When we fail to achieve this, we reluctantly take on the role of an ’outsider’.
Well, what are the characteristics of the ‘Consummate Outsider’? I suspect that outsiders are:
Most Outsiders Are Unhappy
Outsiders tend to be very unhappy people. They see themselves as ‘good people’ and almost always treat others with respect and dignity and they often wonder why others do not reciprocate. They have always tried to be part of one group or another. During their lifetime they have attempted to make friends…many times. While they are most always happy to greet and be among the masses, they have a real sense that the masses do not feel the same toward them. They feel ‘tolerated’ at best.
Some are unhappy, not only because they are on the outside looking in…they are unhappy because they are constantly striving to be on the inside without any perceivable success. History is filled with very prominent people who have not been considered part of the ’in group’ and no matter what level of personal or professional success they have achieved, many have lived very unhappy lives.
Unhappiness also comes when the ‘outsider’ works feverishly at ‘pretending’ to be part of a group. Disappointment almost always will follow such delusions. Many outsiders are constantly seeking the approval of others, perhaps to validate their own self worth.
This unhappiness can last a lifetime if they do not discover how to escape and ‘find their place’ in the world.
Most Outsiders Are Lonely
Outsiders tend to be very lonely people. This is primarily due to an inability to foster deep friendships. They may ‘know’ a lot of people but these relationships tend to be superficial at best. ‘Outsiders’ DO have a few friends, but in actuality, not very many.
Most Outsiders Suffer Anxiety
Many people (outsiders) tend to suffer a high level of anxiety and, as a result, become less and less inclined to pursue friendships due to the disappointments they have experienced.
Most Outsiders Have Feelings of Rejection
Striving to be part of groups that have no interest in you brings feelings of rejection seldom experienced by ‘the beautiful people’. Feelings of inferiority are common and they often wonder, “Why Me”!
Many Outsiders May Even Feel Rejected by Family
Outsiders may even have this experience within their extended families, although families tend to mask, more successfully, their rejection of a loved one. Over time, however, the truth comes through and feelings of rejection almost always find their way into the consciousness of the outsider.
So WHY do certain individuals become ’outsiders’? It may be that their behavior is different from ‘the norm’ (whatever the norm is). Perhaps they ‘look’ different than others. They may not dress as well as those around them or adapt trendy notions which are commonplace among the ‘insiders’. They may speak less articulately. Perhaps they don’t interact very effectively with the ‘right’ people or travel in acceptable circles. Maybe their occupation is of a humble nature. Perhaps their ideas are quite different from the others or it may be that they are overly opinionated or they participate too aggressively in conversation, drawing undue attention to themselves. There are many reasons for their ‘outsider’ status but one thing is for sure, they ARE on the outside looking and they are not very happy people.
Outsiders may even do and say all the right things but still fail at gaining others approval.
Many outsiders look just like ‘insiders’, but, make no mistake, they are different!
I have been an outsider all of my life. In each phase of my life I have had one or two very close friends, but that is about all. I have never been the one most people choose to hang around with and this reality has caused much unhappiness for me. I have always been cognizant of the fact that, while most others are polite and gracious, they really have never been accepting of me, my thoughts, positions or philosophy.
Now, I must share that this has been painful. I have not always understood why my life has taken on this status. However, over many years, I have learned to accept this and I have discovered some successful ways to deal with it.
True Freedom comes with the realization that:
First, if others refuse to allow you their fellowship, that is not always a sign that there is something wrong with you! It could very well be that ‘the insiders’ are the ones who have the personality or character flaws and not you at all!
Second, not all groups you seek to be part of will bring you the gratification or fulfillment you may think. Many ‘insiders’ may be very superficial, socially and intellectually. Being rejected by them may be more of a blessing than a curse! People who reject you are probably not worthy of your friendship.
Third, I have learned to STOP STRIVING to gain acceptance! If, in my heart, I know I am living as I should, then my comfort and my validation must flow from that reality….it does not need to come from others. The rising or setting of the sun is not dependant upon the number of ‘in crowds’ you belong to. Learn that a group of three can be as meaningful as a group of one hundred.
Fourth, I have learned to become very happy with who I am! I’m a nice guy! I care about others. I desire to make others feel good about themselves. I have my identity rooted in my religious faith and I am always there when someone need me or, at least, I try to be. I have also learned that happiness in life is more dependent upon what you think of yourself rather than what others think of you.
Fifth, embrace those who accept you, love those who reject you and recalibrate the desires of your heart. If you can’t belong….be strong! Leave behind you all those groups who have failed to incorporate you into their fellowship and cling to the knowledge of who you really are! Remember, insiders rarely have the capacity to take into consideration the feelings of outsiders! For this reason, put aside your desire to capture their attention or approval. They just don’t count! Again, recalibrate the desires of your heart!
Sixth , I have learned that, many times I have been looking for acceptance and validation in many of the wrong places. The truth is, there are groups and individuals out there who would love to include you as a friend and associate. Ask God to bring them your way all the while looking for those with whom you do relate and who relate to you.
Seventh, look around for other outsiders to become friends with. You will discover that there are many of them just waiting to have YOU include them in your life!
Last, if you exhibit behaviors that fall short, work to improve them. For example, if, while participating in conversation with others, you tend to impose your viewpoint too strongly…learn the value of listening. If you readily dismiss the views of others, learn to be more understanding. If you tend to be contentious, learn to promote agreement. If you display negative attitudes, find ways to become positive in your conversations and demeanor. If you complain about everything under the sun, stop complaining! These and other behavioral modifications may strengthen your position while looking for new friends and new groups to associate with.
There is true freedom in discovering who you really are and how you can come to love yourself, even in the midst of a world that may not be so accepting of you.
Start paying attention to yourself and get out and live a full life. You, then, may find the ‘insiders’ wanting to be part of the life you are building for yourself!
Always be aware that you are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’. You are unique. God has made you a special person!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Will the Real You Please Stand Up!
Will the Real You Please Stand Up!
Have you ever wondered who you really are and if the image you are projecting has it’s basis in truth?
by Gary Laws
Throughout life we are called upon to meet the expectations of others. We desire to make our families happy and we strive to keep our employers satisfied. We want to make (and keep) friends and we feel compelled to cultivate positive relationships all along life’s way.
This is very normal, even healthy! However, we can run the risk of being so bent on seeking, and receiving, the approval of others, that we take it to far. Sometimes we can become so obsessed with the idea of winning others over, that we go ‘overboard’ and try to project an image that is not consistent with who we really are!
In our endeavor to please others, there can be pitfalls along the way that will, if we are not careful, totally destroy the ‘real person‘ that lives within…so much so that we become unsure of our own motives and we begin to wonder, ourselves, who we really are!
It may be that we do not believe others will respond to our true self positively, when presented honestly and without embellishment. Perhaps we have had some unpleasant experiences, in our relationships, that cause us to question our own ‘likeability’. We may even be thoroughly convinced that we are unable to cultivate friendships unless we ‘dress ourselves up’ in a cloak of deception. Maybe you are desirous of a promotion to a position of prominence and you have fallen into the trap of constantly calling attention to yourself for the purpose of ‘getting ahead‘. Whatever your objective, understand that it cannot be truly achieved if you are not truly and thoroughly genuine! Once you have convinced others that you are something other than you really are… you will, forever, have to continue the masquerade!
Depending upon how we handle this, pleasing others can be a blessing or it can become a devastating burden! For the Christian, ‘getting it right’ is absolutely essential if we are to be an effective tool in God’s hands!
To accomplish this, we must be reminded that we are called upon to lead a life that is pleasing to God… and God alone!. With our focus upon this truth, we become more and more effective in our relationship building, whether it be at home, in the workplace or among our many friends (or friends to be). This focus allows us to be truly ‘real’ as God knows everything about us and He cannot be fooled by any pretense. If we are living for Him, He will help us discover the wonderful person that lives within.
We must never allow the world to force us into being disingenuous in our manner, our speech or our representations. We must simply be who we are and let the chips fall where they may. Others may respond in a very positive way and some will dismiss any attempt at interaction. Whichever way they respond, you will at least have the assurance that they are responding to the real ‘you’!
If we are filled with the love of God and if we are striving to genuinely serve Him (and be like Him), then we are becoming the person God wants us to be. There will be no need for superficial embellishments to the way we present ourselves. All along the way we must be certain that we are not serving our own interests.
Resolve, today, to present yourself as God has developed you and always remember that it is God you have been called to please. Do it right and everything else will fall into place!
Friday, March 8, 2013
The Christians Role in a Declining Society
by Gary Laws
Very few times in history has the personal ministry of God ‘s servants been needed more than today! These are not normal times! It would seem that the world around us is falling apart at the seams and that the influence of the devil is more prevalent than ever. Everywhere we look, we are confronted with the reality that we live in very troubled times.
The world is rejecting traditional Judeo/Christian values like never before. Principles that were once regarded as virtuous are now considered, by many, to be narrow minded and unrealistic. Humanity seems to be living more recklessly. The notion of a Higher Power is seen as naive. Humanity is becoming openly hostile toward people of faith. To publicly bear the name Christian, once a high and noble claim, is to risk holding one’s self up to ridicule, even shame in today’s world.
World Politics
The politics of the world are changing as well. I am not referring to partisan politics, rather I am pointing out that radical factions in the world have developed philosophies that are bringing, or at least seem to be bringing, civilization to its knees.
Political terrorism, once confined to a few areas of our globe, has now become a worldwide problem. The conflicts we face seem to be absolutely senseless. The global community is facing a type of radicalism that it rarely has seen before and it is not difficult to conclude these are not normal times. This radicalism has claimed the lives of millions of people and there is no end in sight.
Church Conflict
Even the Christian Church seems to be in crisis. The absolutes we find in Scripture are being called into question. The divinity of Jesus; the requirements of salvation; the virgin birth; Christ’s atonement on the cross; even His very existence are being challenged within some factions of the Christian community.
Adultery, illicit and deviant sexual behavior, truthfulness, character and integrity are seen within the context of relative philosophy.
Behaviors, once thought to be in violation of God’s law, are now deemed acceptable under certain relative circumstances.
I believe the Gospel message is needed today more than at any other time in history! Yet, if the Gospel is to be heard then it must be brought by God’s people who are remaining faithful to its message.
World Conditions Predicted
Our Scripture is taken from Jude 17-23:
“But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen” (KJV)
For the purpose of this study, I would like to concentrate on these verses. They speak very directly to the condition of the world today. It refers to mockers in the last time, those last days before Christ’s coming.
Yet, there is a sense in which Christians should not be surprised as we look at the circumstances of our modern world. After all, the Bible has predicted that, as we get closer to the second coming of Christ, the condition of the world will deteriorate.
One of the concerns that I have, however, is that Christians will develop the attitude, “Oh well, there’s not much we can do about it anyway!” It is true that the things predicted in Scripture will come to pass. However, this should not be cause for Christians to abandon the mission they have been given. That mission is to reach the lost of this world for Jesus, the Christ!
Even in the midst of evildoing and sin, there remains the need for the Gospel to be preached. Perhaps it would be better to suggest that especially‟ in the midst of evil and sin! The Gospel message must be raised above the clamor of the world so as to save them that would receive it. Only the power God can positively impact these conditions. These are not normal times!
God Will Use His People
Because of this, Christians must respond to the hearkening call of the Great Commission. If we believe that Jesus is coming again, and if we believe that He is the only means by which men might be saved, then we cannot shrink from our responsibility. If our desire is to be used of God, then our responsibility is to allow God to use us! We must avail ourselves of every opportunity to share God’s love with a dying world.
Courage in the Face of Opposition
Additionally, we must be willing to do it in the face of significant opposition from those who are determined to silence God and His people. Of course, we know that God cannot be silenced. He will not be silenced! He will continue to use those who make themselves available under these most difficult circumstances.
I realize that one of the great unexplained mysteries of the Bible is why God chooses to use humble humanity at all. He could just ‘will’ peace on earth if He desired to. He could wipe out all adversaries with the stroke of His mighty hand. I don’t pretend to understand why God has chosen humanity as his instrument to communicate to the world. All I know is that He has.
This reality requires that we be faithful and courageous in the face of mounting difficulties. After all, the Bible says, “but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26, NIV)
How Did We Get Here?
I would like to take a quick look at Jude 16 which says, “There are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men‘s persons in admiration because of advantage.”
When men complain and seek their own interests, they do so to promote their own position in this world. They seek their own advantage and this is demonstrated by their behavior. In large measure, this behavior has led us to the current state of affairs in the world today!
As we examine history, we discover that world conflict arises when humanity is seeking its own advantage. Wars are fought to gain the upper hand over one or more groups of people. At times it is geographic expansionism that drives conflict so as to increase the power and influence of the aggressors. Men are at variance with each other for the purpose of financial gain. Often, radical ideologies drive discord among the people of the world. Wars have even been fought over religion, including those fighting in the name of Christianity.
Can There Be Any Hope For This World?
The question must be asked... Is there any hope for this dying world? The answer is clear in Scripture; our hope is in Jesus Christ! Our hope is in His goodness. Our hope is in the truth that good will eventually vanquish evil. If we truly expect to be used of God, then we must hold steadfastly to this truth. God conquers all adversaries, in His own time!
I am reminded of the hymn, “My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness.” (Edward Mote, 1797-1874) Our hope is in a God who will be victorious, regardless of the current state of world affairs.
Where Do We Begin?
So then, how should Christians be going about doing the will of God under these circumstances? You may be asking yourself, how can I stop terrorism or how can I change the hearts and minds of my fellow human beings? You can’t. But God, using you, can!
Are We Really at War?
First, we must acknowledge that we are in a battle. Each of us, as God’s representatives in this world, is called to a spiritual warfare that is every bit as real as human conflict. Now, I understand there is a tendency, within some segments of the Church, to eliminate or at least minimize the use of militaristic language in both word and song. I am not sympathetic to this movement. Christians must be fully aware that all wars in history pale in comparison to the spiritual war we are fighting against sin and the Evil One.
For many years we have sung the Christian hymn, “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before…” (Sabine Baring-Gould, 1834-1924) While this imagery may be distasteful to some, it does reflect biblical teaching. This spiritual conflict is a war and, like all wars, must be fought with great intensity, purpose and diligence.
We are ‘Soldiers Without Swords’
Once we realize there is a spiritual world crisis, it will become clear how important our responsibility really is. We are called to vanquish evil; not with the modern weaponry of this world, but with the love of God! We are ‘Soldiers Without Swords’ who are armed with the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
We do not seek to destroy God’s creation, but to save it!
We Are Called to Change the Hearts of Men
Every day people are passing into eternity without the knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Savior. Some have not yet heard the message, while others have heard and rejected it. One thing is for certain, however; God has called us to bring the message of His love to this chaotic world. It is this message of love and compassion that will change the hearts of those who accept it. That is what God does! He changes the hearts of the penitent. He gives them new purpose and direction. He brings a new understanding of life’s value. When God changes hearts, a behavioral transformation takes place! That is how Christians, with the power of the Holy Spirit, will change the world around them.
No, these are not normal times! The circumstances of our day call for action on the part of all of God’s people. Christians believe that on the day of Christ’s second coming, the final victory will be achieved. While we do not know the exact hour or time; we can be sure that He will come! In the meantime, like the disciples when sent to Jerusalem, we must pray and work without ceasing.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Are You Really in Charge?
Renown motivational speaker, Zig Zieglar, once proclaimed, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" Great thought, isn't it? His implication was that we need to leave the past in the past and start recreating, for ourselves, our new and future life.
I have been retired for four years now and I must admit to some dismay over what this future life should look like. O, what to do with all the hours!
The point that I am making today is that YOU are in charge of your future. Now, I know we are not always in control of our circumstances, but we are in charge of our response to those circumstances! Did you hear that? Think about it! We are in charge of how we react to our circumstances!
I am reminded of the old railroad crossing signs which encouraged us to , 'Stop, Look and Listen'. Good advice for many of life's situations also.
Stop....don't rush recklessly ahead into dangerous circumstances. This almost always will make much worse the circumstances of your life.
Look....at your surroundings and evaluate where you are at in life and where you want to go. Discover all of the resources that are available to you and use them.
Listen....to the wise counsel of those who have traveled your road and have your interest in mind.
When you have accomplished this you will begin to see that there really are things that you can do to improve your life and the life of those around you. You will be truly in charge and the sun will shine again.
While doing this, do not forget there is also a God who really cares for you and wants to point you in the right direction. He will be your greatest resource. He will give the best counsel and He will always be there for you.
So, TAKE CHARGE and get on with the rest of your life. Today is that life's first day!
I have been retired for four years now and I must admit to some dismay over what this future life should look like. O, what to do with all the hours!
The point that I am making today is that YOU are in charge of your future. Now, I know we are not always in control of our circumstances, but we are in charge of our response to those circumstances! Did you hear that? Think about it! We are in charge of how we react to our circumstances!
I am reminded of the old railroad crossing signs which encouraged us to , 'Stop, Look and Listen'. Good advice for many of life's situations also.
Stop....don't rush recklessly ahead into dangerous circumstances. This almost always will make much worse the circumstances of your life.
Look....at your surroundings and evaluate where you are at in life and where you want to go. Discover all of the resources that are available to you and use them.
Listen....to the wise counsel of those who have traveled your road and have your interest in mind.
When you have accomplished this you will begin to see that there really are things that you can do to improve your life and the life of those around you. You will be truly in charge and the sun will shine again.
While doing this, do not forget there is also a God who really cares for you and wants to point you in the right direction. He will be your greatest resource. He will give the best counsel and He will always be there for you.
So, TAKE CHARGE and get on with the rest of your life. Today is that life's first day!
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