A Monthly Newsletter from Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Although Gary Laws is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army. All views expressed are those of the author.

Gary D. Laws
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Tis' the Season Filled With Folly!
Well, it is just thirty days until Christmas! It is a time filled with joy, celebration and personal reflection....for some!
I fear, however, that Christmas, for millions, has become a season with more 'folly' than 'jolly' associated with it.
Folly is defined as, "the state or quality of being foolish; lack of understanding.
A costly and foolish undertaking; unwise investment or expenditure."
I find, increasingly, that the Christmas season is filled with foolish behavior on the part of people who have little or no true understanding of what the season is all about! It has become a season in which we spend money that ought not to be spent; circulate from one 'party' to another, drinking ourselves into oblivion; and do our best to outdo all others in the neighborhood with decorations, inside and out! We do these things, I suspect, in order to feel good about ourselves and the superficial lives we lead throughout the year.
We have come to battle each other in the aisles of the 'merchant cathedrals' to buy gifts, with little understanding that WE have actually been 'bought' by the ideas and false notions of a society that cares nothing of what is truly important, uplifting and encouraging in life. Indeed, "the state or quality of being foolish; lack of understanding.
A costly and foolish undertaking; unwise investment or expenditure." The Folly of the Season!
We invest our time in the pursuit of an ever increasing and elusive 'happiness' that rarely comes our way unless priorities are established and understanding is appropriated for ourselves.
I do not, however, wish to paint with an overly broad stroke here. There are some who understand the supreme significance of the birth of that man/God we know as Jesus, the Christ. For these good folks, the season is what it ought to be....a simple celebration which calls attention to the greatest story of love ever expressed. We celebrate the Man who has provided for us in eternity..... if we make the effort to get things right!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
For Heaven's Sake!
The Holidays will soon be here,
we gather family, draw them near.
The warmth of fellowship so sweet,
we feel our inner self complete.
For family, friends and others dear,
bring joy and peace this time of year.
We sense our roots, as ne'er before,
and realize that love is sure.
We think of those who've passed our way,
with knowledge of the coming day,
"We'll meet again!", the Word declares,
Then lose forever, all our cares.
So as the Holidays draw near,
enjoy your family, and good cheer.
Give of yourself, more memories make,
With others share, for Heaven's sake!
Gary Laws Copyright 2012 © Gary D. Laws All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Service With a Smile
Sixteen years ago, Susan and I were appointed to The Salvation Army in Carthage, Missouri. We were told it would be a tough appointment. The Corps had no money. Our first Sunday, all three soldiers were in attendance for Morning Worship. The building was a very old Civil War era stone structure that was originally a barn for livestock and was pretty much falling apart. You dare not venture into the very dark lower level where the cows were once kept. Cobwebs everywhere.
The Salvation Army did not have any program going except Sunday Services and we wondered to ourselves, "What in the world would we do?" Sharing this with our friends, Doug and Linda Yeck, they suggested we start a Soup kitchen but I wondered who would pay for it and who would help? Would anybody come?
The next week we sent out a press release to the local media announcing that we would do this starting the next week. Doug and Linda took a weeks vacation and came to help us get i
The Salvation Army did not have any program going except Sunday Services and we wondered to ourselves, "What in the world would we do?" Sharing this with our friends, Doug and Linda Yeck, they suggested we start a Soup kitchen but I wondered who would pay for it and who would help? Would anybody come?
The next week we sent out a press release to the local media announcing that we would do this starting the next week. Doug and Linda took a weeks vacation and came to help us get i
t off the ground. My daughter, Cheryl, wanted to help and drove out all the way from New York. After the news appeared in the local paper, people came to donate the much needed funds. When my daughter arrived she ventured into the 'catacombs' on the lower level and started the cleaning up process, then painting the walls. Doug helped paint the very uneven concrete floor and we put new lights in.
On Monday morning we decided to serve Spaghetti as that was an easy meal. Hours before lunch, community volunteers began to arrive. We donned our Salvation Army aprons and a smile and greeted what was to be a full house for lunch.
The patrons were the unsightly of the community, some would say. You know them, the ones few others pay any attention to. They were not dressed very well and many were in need of some instruction in personal hygiene. They all had one thing in common, however, they each were hungry and needed a friend!
Many of the community volunteers were in it for the long haul. Some of them are friends of ours to this day, especially Danette and Rod. Wonderful people. The Soup Kitchen continues to this day (the last I heard) even though we have long since moved on from Southwest, Missouri.
Well, whats the point of all this reminiscing? It is this: The best days of our lives were those days spent in service to those who needed a friend and a meal. People who needed to know that God loved them and we did too. This Thanksgiving, many thousands will be gathering at a local Salvation Army, and many other churches, to experience a meal and a smile. Give them a call. Maybe you can help
On Monday morning we decided to serve Spaghetti as that was an easy meal. Hours before lunch, community volunteers began to arrive. We donned our Salvation Army aprons and a smile and greeted what was to be a full house for lunch.
The patrons were the unsightly of the community, some would say. You know them, the ones few others pay any attention to. They were not dressed very well and many were in need of some instruction in personal hygiene. They all had one thing in common, however, they each were hungry and needed a friend!
Many of the community volunteers were in it for the long haul. Some of them are friends of ours to this day, especially Danette and Rod. Wonderful people. The Soup Kitchen continues to this day (the last I heard) even though we have long since moved on from Southwest, Missouri.
Well, whats the point of all this reminiscing? It is this: The best days of our lives were those days spent in service to those who needed a friend and a meal. People who needed to know that God loved them and we did too. This Thanksgiving, many thousands will be gathering at a local Salvation Army, and many other churches, to experience a meal and a smile. Give them a call. Maybe you can help
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