A Monthly Newsletter from Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Although Gary Laws is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army. All views expressed are those of the author.

Gary D. Laws
Monday, September 17, 2012
I believe, above, there is a land,
Far from the toils of life.
A place where love and peace does reign,
No tears, no quarrels, no strife!
A place that has been set aside,
for saints and sinners too.
Who've had their sins forgiven by,
The One whose life is true.
It is eternal, lasting, real,
Where Christ has built our home.
In mansions fair, we will abide,
No more to wildly roam.
Tis' heaven, this place that Christ does live,
and we shall live with Him.
For all eternity we'll sing,
Our praises to our King!
This all is very real, you know,
Were it not so He'd tell.
His promises are true, for you,
for me in Heav'n we'll dwell.
What Glory waits, what light doth shine,
upon the holy hill,
where God doth sit, His arms outstretched,
for this, His blood did spill!
Copyright 2012 © Gary D. Laws All Rights Reserved
The Trumpet Sound's Today!
The Trumpet Sound's Today!
When Jesus came, so long ago,
His mercy to bestow.
The world rejected love so great,
Just why, it's hard to know.
A battle cry would soon be heard.
The devil and his throng,
Would fight for souls , destroy at will,
Men's lives, men's hearts, men's soul.
The call from Christ now we have heard,
The battle is now ours.
For every precious soul from fear,
Delivered from life's scars.
Will you, will I, go to the front
this battle to enjoin?
Our weapon, love, will win the day.
He will our hearts annoint!
So onward, soldiers, to the fight
Our Captain leads the way.
His saving message on our flag,
The trumpet sounds, today!
Copyright © 2012 Gary D. Laws All Rights Reserved
Salvation Song
1) Twas' on the cross that Jesus died,
To make the sinner clean.
He's given robes of glorious white,
The crimson stains unseen.
Salvation chorus, sing it loud.
The saints, on high, to hear.
Salvation Song, Salvation Throng,
Tis' music to His ear!
2) Our names found blazon'ed on His hands,
As hanging on the tree,
His sufferings paid the price for all,
We'll live eternally.
3) Now, "How's your heart?", the Savior asks,
"I soon will call the roll."
And those forgiven will I give,
New life, new heart, new home!
Gary D. Laws © 2012 All Rights Reserved
Salvation chorus, sing it loud.
The saints, on high, to hear.
Salvation Song, Salvation Throng,
Tis' music to His ear!
2) Our names found blazon'ed on His hands,
As hanging on the tree,
His sufferings paid the price for all,
We'll live eternally.
3) Now, "How's your heart?", the Savior asks,
"I soon will call the roll."
And those forgiven will I give,
New life, new heart, new home!
Gary D. Laws © 2012 All Rights Reserved
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Our Work Has Just Begun!
Our Work Has Just Begun!
Gary D. Laws
1) O, wondrous mercy, boundless grace,
that brings us through the darkest place.
Gary D. Laws
1) O, wondrous mercy, boundless grace,
that brings us through the darkest place.
It heals our wounds while sins erase;
Remembered nevermore!
Praise God, Praise God!
The Father, Spirit, Son.
Praise God! Praise God!
Our work has just begun!
2) Though life can be most challenging,
Our deepest pain to Him we bring;
Our sorrows, grief, now gone the sting,
Set free by Christ the King!
3) Now it is ours to serve mankind,
By sharing grace, transforming minds.
And letting all who hear our voice,
See Christ who died for them.
4) They to the Mercy Seat will come,
There meet with Jesus, God's own Son.
No longer fight, the battle's won,
God's Spirit deep within!
5) What joy, our message, hope and peace,
Now brings to those who've been released,
Their sin and sinning now has ceased,
Now living for the Lord!
Remembered nevermore!
Praise God, Praise God!
The Father, Spirit, Son.
Praise God! Praise God!
Our work has just begun!
2) Though life can be most challenging,
Our deepest pain to Him we bring;
Our sorrows, grief, now gone the sting,
Set free by Christ the King!
3) Now it is ours to serve mankind,
By sharing grace, transforming minds.
And letting all who hear our voice,
See Christ who died for them.
4) They to the Mercy Seat will come,
There meet with Jesus, God's own Son.
No longer fight, the battle's won,
God's Spirit deep within!
5) What joy, our message, hope and peace,
Now brings to those who've been released,
Their sin and sinning now has ceased,
Now living for the Lord!
copyright 2012 Gary D. Laws All Rights Reserved
Are They Being Truly Welcomed?
While visiting Spurgeon's Church in London, England, I was impressed with how intent the parishioners were to welcome newcomers. With my daughter and son in law, I entered the church on Sunday evening and was immediately engaged in conversation by a South African couple who had recently moved to the UK. They talked with us about a variety of subjects, asked about life in America, what brought us to Metropolitan Baptist, etc. They could have just smiled, shook our hands and been on to someone else. Rather, they were genuinely interested in us and made us feel right at home and quite welcomed.
Carry this thought with you to church this morning and take some time to make someone feel that they have come to the right place!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
A New and Welcome Challenge
The Church experience is many things to many people. For Pastors it is, of course, unique. For the better part of the last 32 years, Church has not only been an experience, it has been a ecclesiastical responsibility. Through the week it involved sermon study and research along with much prayerful consideration. When other tasks would impose themselves there was the occasional 'Saturday Night Special'! Then there was planning the service, choosing the music and other elements of the the worship service.
When Sunday morning would arrive it meant picking people up who did not have transportation, greeting the faithful, always with an upbeat demeanor even when the spirit was down and the body was tired. Always feeling the need to 'perform' so as to make certain all were happy and had a meaningful time.
Since entering retirement and bidding farewell to those daily and weekly responsibilities, Church has taken on a new form and meaning. A new challe
When Sunday morning would arrive it meant picking people up who did not have transportation, greeting the faithful, always with an upbeat demeanor even when the spirit was down and the body was tired. Always feeling the need to 'perform' so as to make certain all were happy and had a meaningful time.
Since entering retirement and bidding farewell to those daily and weekly responsibilities, Church has taken on a new form and meaning. A new challe
nge, if you will. Now I am learning to be content sitting in the congregation, listening to the sermons of others and often critiquing them as the words are offered.
Mostly, it is now an experience within which I must learn, once again, how to worship! Now, you may think this sounds strange coming from a former cleric, yet it is a very real challenge.
Now I must prepare for the Sunday Worship experience in a much different way. I am free to concentrate the whole of my time on preparing MY heart and MY mind for this new role.
How nice it is to blend in. No more superiors to please. No more performance standards to meet, except as it regards the performance of my heart and mind. Only occasional sermons to prepare, as I have opportunity.
Now I have the time to concentrate the whole of my being on heart readiness and spirit submission to the One who has provided, and continues to provide, the needs of my soul! GDL
Mostly, it is now an experience within which I must learn, once again, how to worship! Now, you may think this sounds strange coming from a former cleric, yet it is a very real challenge.
Now I must prepare for the Sunday Worship experience in a much different way. I am free to concentrate the whole of my time on preparing MY heart and MY mind for this new role.
How nice it is to blend in. No more superiors to please. No more performance standards to meet, except as it regards the performance of my heart and mind. Only occasional sermons to prepare, as I have opportunity.
Now I have the time to concentrate the whole of my being on heart readiness and spirit submission to the One who has provided, and continues to provide, the needs of my soul! GDL
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